Michael Duncan Story

August 3, 2023

Nijaah Howard

How the ideology of Marcus Garvey
transformed the mindset of One man’s
discovery from the island of Jamaica
to the Motherland of Africa

Michael Duncan is adamant that all Black people should become a part of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). It is an organization formed by Marcus Garvey in 1914 bringing along 14 million people and growing. Michael is the 10th President General of UNIA-ACL. Its mission is to strive for the progress of individuals of African ancestry throughout the world. Michael believes it is a massive obligation that he cannot handle alone. Every one of us must work together to achieve Mr. Garvey’s distinguished and indispensable aim to build financial equity and power in the Black communities. Michael’s journey wasn’t always so focused, he started when he moved to Brooklyn, New York from the lovely island of Jamaica during his early adolescence. He used to be pompous and didn’t feel he need to learn anything. He felt he knew it all. Until the age of seventeen, a teacher told him to read the book “Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey” this book not only inspired him, but it changed the trajectory of his thinking.

Prior to reading the book, Michael used to think that he is astute and education system cannot teach him anything, however interpreting that book gave him a new perspective on life, his originality, and the gravity of being an African. Impressed by the eff orts of Mr. Garvey for African people, Michael decided to make Liberia his permanent residence even though he was totally a stranger to the country. Michael Duncan is a businessman who owns multiple businesses. He owns three outlets of the well-regarded “Jamaica Breeze” restaurant. Owner of FacaRoc supermarket, Co-owner of MARLS NYC & JP Runaway Cafe with Annette Runcie. He also has a farm in Liberia and intends to construct a factory underneath it to manufacture edibles like Bambi, coconut oil, and so on that can be distributed in the United States building up wealth in Africa. Michael is investing in Africa to help it become economically strong. It was the collection of Garvey’s writings that stirred a burning fi re behind Michael’s push to eradicate the long struggle for freedom, justice, and equality amongst Black people all over the globe, not only America. As the current leader of one of the largest organizations in the world, he is steadfast in ensuring that Marcus Garvey is also remembered as a Champion of the ‘Back to Africa’ movement.

Michael has become one of the most successful businessmen in Southeastern, Queens, New York. He’s passionate about hiring his own people, keep business in his own community, buying and supporting his own and rebuilding a diff erent mindset as an attempt at liberation from the psychological bondage of racial inferiority that the media and external distractions have infl icted on the Black people for centuries. Michael is determined to be a part of the solution, not the problem. When Michael was opening the FACA ROC Supermarket, no one wanted to support his idea. But with persistence and determination, he persevered and on his opening day at The Schomberg Cultural Museum in Harlem, New York, all his Black People that he loved supported and trusted him and after the presentation, he walked away with their investment of $384,000 all from Black people who UNIFIED & BELIEVED.

Michael may not have started off liking ‘education’, but now he is a global leader educating others on changing their attitude on entrepreneurship. “Building your legacy is building your confi dence, become self-reliant, and gain inspiration from your ancestors. If you want to start your own business, you fi rst must build your finances and realize that no success can happen overnight”. Michael says. Instead of getting intimidated by someone else’s massive accomplishment, you should believe that if others can do it, so can I”. A person who is serious about changing their situation or environment should choose the right and sagacious mentor who is as hungry for your success as you are. The right mentor will boost your confidence and willingly share their expertise to provide fresh insight and elevate your life.

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